The Business

LITSA´s Participation in the Transmission System

Taking into account the total num­ber of the faci­li­ties whe­re LITSA carries out Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce Works, its par­ti­ci­pa­tion within the WEM is around 11% of Argentina´s Extra High Vol­ta­ge Power Trans­mis­sion System.

Like­wi­se, it is worth com­men­ting that tho­se elec­tro­ducts that LITSA ope­ra­tes and main­tains from Rin­cón San­ta María Subs­ta­tion (Corrien­tes Pro­vin­ce) eva­cua­te around 60% of the energy pro­du­ced by Cen­tral Hidro­eléc­tri­ca Yacy­re­ta to the Argen­ti­nean Elec­tri­cal Market.

New businesses and Projects

LIMSA´s Mesopotamian Interconnection

Third Sec­tion of the Trans­mis­sion sys­tem asso­cia­ted to the Cen­tral Hidro­eléc­tri­ca Yacyretá

Sin­ce the year 2006, LITSA has par­ti­ci­pa­ted as sha­rehol­der of the com­pany Líneas Meso­po­tá­mi­cas S.A. (LIMSA) for the Cons­truc­tion, Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce (COM Con­tract) of the Third Sec­tion of the Yacy­re­tá Trans­mis­sion Sys­tem — North Subsection.

The COM Con­tract of this pro­ject was awar­ded to LIMSA and sig­ned together with the Natio­nal Govern­ment in mid of June 2006 and the com­mer­cial acti­vity star­ted in late May 2008.

The abo­ve-men­tio­ned Con­tract inclu­ded the Cons­truc­tion, Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce of:

    • 670 km of 500 kV lines with Cross Rope-type structure.
    • Exten­sion of the 500 kV Rin­cón San­ta María Subs­ta­tion (Corrien­tes Province).
    • Cons­truc­tion of two new 500/132 kV Subs­ta­tions, “San Isi­dro and Mer­ce­des” (Misio­nes and Corrien­tes Pro­vin­ce, respectively).

      The ope­ra­tion and main­te­nan­ce of the faci­li­ties cons­truc­ted by LIMSA are in char­ge of LITSA up the expi­ra­tion of the Con­tract in the year 2088.

      NOA-NEA Interconnection

      (North­west — Northeast of Argentina)

      LITSA par­ti­ci­pa­ted as Ope­ra­tor of ins­ta­lla­tions in the Bid­ding of the Nor­te Gran­de Trans­mis­sion Pro­gram that inclu­ded the Cons­truc­tion, Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce of the so-called NOA-NEA, EAST sub­sec­tion that had been awar­ded to the Com­pany Líneas del Nor­te S.A. (LINSA).

      The abo­ve-men­tio­ned Con­tract inclu­ded the Cons­truc­tion, Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce of:

        • 572 km of 500 kV lines with Cross Rope-type structure.
        • Exten­sion of the 500 kV Resis­ten­cia Subs­ta­tion (Cha­co Province).
        • Cons­truc­tion of three new 500 / 132 kV Subs­ta­tions, “Gran For­mo­sa” (For­mo­sa Pro­vin­ce), “Cha­co” (Cha­co Pro­vin­ce) and “Mon­te Que­ma­do” (San­tia­go del Este­ro Province).

          All the abo­ve-men­tio­ned 500 kV inter­con­nec­tion, which com­mer­cial acti­vity star­ted in late 2010, is ope­ra­ted by LITSA.

          LITSA´s Grid

          The elec­tro­ducts ope­ra­ted by LITSA are pla­ced in the Lito­ral and North Region of Argentina.

          The layout of the Lito­ral Region covers part of the pro­vin­ces of Corrien­tes, Misio­nes and Entre Rios; the cons­truc­tion of the lines had to over­co­me impor­tant tech­ni­cal cha­llen­ges due to soil and cli­ma­te regio­nal con­di­tions, mainly in the pro­vin­ce of Corrien­tes, whe­re the estuary region with floa­ting weeds, lagoons with a depth bet­ween 4 and 5 meters and a rain regi­me that reaches 1,500 milli­me­ters per year. All the­se obs­ta­cles were over­co­me with tech­ni­cally capa­city and com­pe­tent personnel. 

          The layout of the Northeast region of Argen­ti­na covers part of the pro­vin­ces of San­tia­go del Este­ro, Cha­co and For­mo­sa. In this case, the ope­ra­tion and main­te­nan­ce of the elec­tro­ducts were affec­ted by cli­ma­te and soil-rela­ted pro­blems, becau­se in this area, the extre­mely high sum­mer tem­pe­ra­tu­res (118,4 ºF — 122 ºF) and the soil crusts and mud (depen­ding of the zone) cons­ti­tu­te daily pro­blems our per­son­nel have to face in order to per­form an exce­llent work.

          Operative Structure

          LITSA´s Ope­ra­ti­ve mana­ge­ment has its own Ope­ra­tions Mana­ge­ment at the Rin­cón San­ta María Subs­ta­tion in Itu­zain­gó, Pro­vin­ce of Corrien­tes. This mana­ge­ment makes the who­le coor­di­na­tion of main­te­nan­ce works for both subs­ta­tions and lines, and also the ope­ra­tion of LITSA´s enti­re trans­mis­sion system.

          This ope­ra­tion is deve­lo­ped by LITSA´s Con­trol Cen­ter, also pla­ced in this site, which is equip­ped with a Real — Time Ope­ra­ting Sys­tem that keeps infor­med all the ope­ra­tors of the Con­trol Cen­ter during the 24 hours a day about events, alarms and para­me­ters of the dif­fe­rent subs­ta­tions and lines.

          Like­wi­se, com­pe­tent per­son­nel and pro­per equip­ment for Live-Line Works are sited in dif­fe­rent lines main­te­nan­ce bases such as Rin­cón San­ta María, Car­los Pelle­gri­ni and Curu­zú Cua­tía in the Pro­vin­ce of Corrien­tes, San Sal­va­dor in the Pro­vin­ce of Entre Rios, For­mo­sa in the Pro­vin­ce of For­mo­sa, Sáenz Peña in the Pro­vin­ce of Cha­co and Mon­te Que­ma­do in the Pro­vin­ce of San­tia­go del Estero.

          Tho­se subs­ta­tions ope­ra­ted by LITSA are mana­ged by tech­ni­cians who are trai­ned in the Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nan­ce of this type of ins­ta­lla­tions, and who­se wor­king site is cons­ti­tu­ted in said subs­ta­tions. The abo­ve-men­tio­ned subs­ta­tions are as follows: “Rin­cón San­ta María” and “Mer­ce­des” in the Pro­vin­ce of Corrien­tes, “San Isi­dro” in the Pro­vin­ce of Misio­nes, “Sal­to Gran­de Argen­ti­na” in the Pro­vin­ce of Entre Ríos, “Gran For­mo­sa” in the Pro­vin­ce of For­mo­sa, “Cha­co” in the Pro­vin­ce of Cha­co and “Mon­te Que­ma­do” in the Pro­vin­ce of San­tia­go del Estero.