Líneas de Transmisión del Litoral S.A.

We transport energy, we transport future.

LITSA − Líneas de Trans­mi­sión del Lito­ral S.A. — is a com­pany that was ori­gi­nally made up enti­rely of Argen­ti­nean capi­tal. It was foun­ded by the asso­cia­tion of natio­nal com­pa­nies that gua­ran­teed an ope­ning towards pri­va­te initiative.


Con­so­li­da­te our­sel­ves as the best alter­na­ti­ve within the Extra High Vol­ta­ge Power Trans­mis­sion Sec­tor in Argen­ti­na and main­tain our inte­gral com­mit­ment with the society.


Firmly sup­port the deve­lop­ment of the natio­nal power rela­ted sec­tor by means of a policy of mana­ge­ment and exce­llent qua­lity ser­vi­ce in accor­dan­ce with inter­na­tio­nal highest standards.
Ensu­re the pro­vi­sion of the ser­vi­ce sub­ject to para­me­ters and requi­re­ments invol­ved with a sui­ta­ble level of qua­lity and effi­ciency in order to satisfy the elec­tri­city mar­ket agents.


Keep our inte­gral com­mit­ments towards society, con­so­li­da­ting our lea­dership and per­ma­nent deve­lop­ment. Upgra­de our work pro­ce­du­res in order to con­so­li­da­te our Com­pany for its sha­rehol­ders, per­son­nel and the elec­tri­city market


We sup­port life and envi­ron­men­tal care. The­re­fo­re, we only take part in pro­jects that con­tem­pla­te a sus­tai­na­ble deve­lop­ment of the elec­tric power trans­mis­sion acti­vity within sta­ted para­me­ters. We sus­tain our com­mit­ment towards tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tion and exce­llen­ce in each of our operations.
Ethics and trans­pa­rency both in the legal fra­me­work and com­mu­ni­ca­tions cons­ti­tu­te our most outs­tan­ding characteristic