Services for Third Parties

Main­te­nan­ce in trans­mis­sion works cons­ti­tu­te a part of the inten­se acti­vity deve­lo­ped by LITSA, whe­re the grea­test cha­llen­ge is to pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers works with a high stan­dard of exce­llen­ce, effi­ciency and quality.

It is worthwhile mentioning the following works:

    • Main­te­nan­ce of the Inter­na­tio­nal Inter­con­nec­tion Line No.1 to Bra­zil in 500 kV for Com­pa­ñía de Trans­mi­sión del Mer­co­sur S.A. (CTM).
    • Auto­ma­tic Gene­ra­tion Switch Sys­tem for Enti­dad Bina­cio­nal Yacyretá.
    • Pla­ce­ment of coun­ter­weight in reten­tion devi­ces with Live-Line “Line — Sal­ta — Paso Cico” in 345 kV (at 4,000 masl) for Termoandes.
    • Repla­ce­ment of guyed towers on the 5PPRI1 in 500 kV and tech­ni­cal sup­port with equip­ment and labor after a collap­se pro­vo­ked by a Tor­na­do to Transener.
    • Pla­ce­ment of supe­rior anten­nae of yard 01 and 05 in 500 kV at Rin­cón San­ta María for TESUR. Work: 3rd Sec­tion of Yacyretá.
    • Mea­su­re­ment of vibra­tion with Live-Line on 5MRDI1 and 5CEMD1 in 500 kV for LIMSA.
    • Pla­ce­ment of jum­per wires with Live-Line in end tower of line 5RISI1 inco­ming con­nec­tion to San Isi­dro subs­ta­tion for LIMSA.
    • Pla­ce­ment of coun­ter­weights in reten­tion towers with Live Line in 5MDRI1 and 5CEMD1 for LIMSA.
    • Exten­sion of insu­la­tor strings in trans­po­si­tions with Live-Line in 5MDRI1 and 5CEMD1 for LIMSA.
    • Chan­ge of bolts in Cross Rope-type towers and chan­ge of infe­rior set of guyed reten­tion in lines 5MDRI1 and 5CEMD1 for LIMSA.
    • Chan­ge of sim­ple strings for dou­ble strings in sus­pen­sion towers with Live-Line, lines 5MDRI1 and 5CEMD1 for LIMSA.
    • Repo­si­tion of two fra­med sup­por­ting struc­tu­res at Mer­ce­des subs­ta­tion for LIMSA.
    • Pla­ce­ment of supe­rior anten­nae of yard 03 in 500 kV at Gran For­mo­sa Subs­ta­tion for LINSA.
    • Repair of jum­per wires of out­put yard 07 with Live-Line at Resis­ten­cia Subs­ta­tion in 500 kV for LINSA.
    • Recep­tion test at fac­to­ries of Equip­ment and Panels for 500 kV Subs­ta­tions for LIMSA and LINSA.
    • Super­vi­sion of Com­mis­sio­ning Tests at 500 kV Subs­ta­tions for LINSA.